Several people asked me to post a blog about volunteering in Japan this summer. (I've never written a blog before - so bear with me!).

I decided it was time to take a little time away from my stressful life as a meeting manager and perhaps gain a few karma points by helping out others. It won't be easy - I'm out of shape and it will be hard work in somewhat primitive conditions.

All Hands Volunteers is an amazing group of people and I look forward to being a part of the positive energy of all the caring volunteers!

I might as well also put in a plug for you to help support them with a small donation via credit card. Maybe forgo Starbucks or a six pack of Diet Pepsi for a day. I've set up an easy to donate fundraising link here.


I haven't actually SEEN this video clip of the 4th of July MSNBC coverage yet - because our internet connection is so darned slow here - but I think I might be in it briefly.   I'm the one pulling insulation out of a wall wearing a baseball cap and face mask.    NBC Corrrespondent, Ian Williams was a really nice guy.

Here's the link:|

1 comment:

  1. Got a faster internet connection and see that that wasn`t the video I was in.

    This is the correct one for my brief exposure on the news!
