Several people asked me to post a blog about volunteering in Japan this summer. (I've never written a blog before - so bear with me!).

I decided it was time to take a little time away from my stressful life as a meeting manager and perhaps gain a few karma points by helping out others. It won't be easy - I'm out of shape and it will be hard work in somewhat primitive conditions.

All Hands Volunteers is an amazing group of people and I look forward to being a part of the positive energy of all the caring volunteers!

I might as well also put in a plug for you to help support them with a small donation via credit card. Maybe forgo Starbucks or a six pack of Diet Pepsi for a day. I've set up an easy to donate fundraising link here.

Getting Ready to Go!

I fly out on Sunday -- about a 14 hour flight, arriving an entire day later because we cross the International Date Line!    Aaaaargh, that craziness before leaving on a long trip:  getting bills paid, making sure you have everything you need,  trying to get last minute tasks done, writing overdue thank you notes, shopping for goodies and gifts to bring,  judiciously trying to decide which clothes to bring.  What have I forgotten?  I'm sure I've forgotten something.     I meant to study more Japanese.  I only got through chapters 1 & 2 of my "Learn Japanese" audio tapes.  I can count to ten; say "hello" and "I'm sorry".  That's about it.

I wonder why I got this crazy idea to go to Japan.  I should be drumming up new clients... or revising my course materials for SFSU classes ...perhaps I should be relaxing and hanging out with friends this summer.   I can't afford this ... I'll be broke when I return.  What IS this insanity?    Okay, deep breath.   It's just nerves, that's all.